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One of the world's largest neon signs is sparked into life in Seoul, Korea
-- Delivery of electronic neon transformers and electronic neon controllers --

December 08, 2006

The LECIP Corporation of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, has completed delivery of the 15,000 electronic transformers and 700 electronic controllers necessary to illuminate one of the world's largest signs, this one for the Samsung Fire Insurance Company, headquartered in Seoul, and Korea's largest accident insurance company, mounted on the exterior walls and rooftop of the Samsung Fire Home Office Building in Seoul. A lively first official powering-up was held under the watch of persons connected with the company and many citizens of the city.

A neon sign consists of the neon tube, the transformer that drives the tube, and the controller that regulates the transformer. Inside the neon tube, capable of emiting vivid colors, is sealed argon gas, which coupled with the fluorescent coating inside it, works to produce a broad range of colors.

This company produces and sells neon transformers and the electronic controllers that produce such effects as flashing and dimming, and we hold the domestic top share of neon transformers in particular.

LECIP's alpha controller system was adopted for the power and control source for this sign for Samsung Insurance, and we had the privilege of delivering our electronic neon transformers and electronic controllers to execute the contract.

The Installation

Site name Samsung Fire Home Office Building (within Seoul, Korea)
Sign Makeup Size Rooftop 3 sides: 11m high x 57m wide
Wall installation 35m high (12 stories) x 7m wide
Electronic transformers 15,000 units (shown at left)
Electronic controllers 700 units
Neon sign scene
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LECIP has long been conducting sales of neon transformers and related equipment both domestically and overseas. Further, we supply not only the equipment that powers neon tubes, but we are also pursuing the "performance of light" possibilities by expanding our offerings of software used for original lighting designs and patterns.


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