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HOME News About LECIP Products Case Studies Investors LECIP Group
10 Jun. 2024
Digest of FY2023 Financial Results
10 Apr. 2024
Invitation to IT TRANS 2024
16 Nov. 2023
Digest of FY2023 2nd Quarter Financial Results
03 Oct. 2023
Integrated Report 2023
19 May. 2023
Digest of FY2022 Financial Results
17 Apr. 2023
Invitation to UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023 in Barcelonat
16 Apr. 2024
Invitation to APTA Mobility conference (Portland, OR) - LECIP INC.
19 Dec. 2023
LECIP INC. Secures Contract for the Farebox Cash Collection system in Houston, Texas
6 Oct. 2023
LECIP INC. secures contract with TriMet to provide cutting-edge Farebox Solution
10 Aug. 2023
Invitation to APTA EXPO 2023 (Oralando, FL) - LECIP INC.
15 Jun. 2021
New LECIP Fareboxes Will Make NCTD Services More Convenient - LECIP INC.
9 Dec. 2020
LECIP partner with IVU for high performance ticketing validator - LECIP ARCONTIA
8 Sep. 2020
Beloit Transit System (Beloit, WI) goes with a new Automated Fare Collection System from LECIP Inc. - LECIP INC.
7 Nov. 2019
California Transit Association Annual Conference & Exhibition - LECIP INC.
LECIP Group is a manufacturer of equipment for buses, trains, automobiles, and industrial equipments engaging in the planning, designing, manufacturing, and sale of these products. ...
Transport Equipment
Everyday people rely on route buses and railways as an indispensible means of transportation. These vehicles equipped with fare boxes, fare display units, lighting systems, and other LECIP products.
Industrial Equipment
Our emergency power supply units are the cornerstone of our industrial equipment business, helping maintain safety, comfort, and peace of mind even when life presents unexpected challenges.
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