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Oregon(U.S.A.):AFC (Automated Fare Collection) system
Project partner:
Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD)

RVTD operates a fleet of more than 30 buses, most of which are powered by clean-burning compressed natural gas–the first buses of their kind to enter service in Oregon. RVTD services cover an approximately 300-mile fixed-route and complementary ADA paratransit system that serves the residents of the Valley’s seven communities. In 2017, RVTD was honored as the Urban Community Transportation System of the Year by the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA),chosen from among more than 3,000 transit agencies nationwide.


Collaboration company: Delerrok Inc.
Delerrok delivered the initial payment system of the TouchPass electronic fare payment system.

Overview: LECIP provides AFC (Automated Fare Collection) system
RVTD's transfer policy allows each passenger one free transfer that expires 90 minutes after issuance. Prior to the implementation of the LECIP system, operators issued transfers by tearing slips of paper at designated points to track the 90-minute expiration time. When presented with a transfer, operators were required to visually verify that the transfer had the correct day code and the expiration time had not already passed. This process was time consuming and led to poor enforcement of RVTD’s fare policy.
LECIP’s standard ticket printing system eliminated the need for operators to cut transfers. Now, operators simply push the “print transfer” button on the unit, and the date, day code, and expiration time are all included in plain text for the accepting operator to see.
“Early in the project implementation, LECIP informed us that their system could print other information too, including bar and QR codes for scanning,” said RVTD’s Associate Planner and Project Manager for the project, Jon Sullivan. “That's when LECIP and Delerrok collaborated to create the unique QR transfer ticket feature.” Time and date information are still printed in plain text, but each ticket also includes a QR code containing all of the required information in a format that can be scanned by the TouchPass reader. Instead of handing the ticket to the operator, the passenger simply scans the ticket on the reader and receives an “accepted” or “declined” response. Each QR code can only be accepted once, and any additional scan attempts result in a decline. This eliminates re-use of transfers, which ultimately boosts RVTD's bottom line.

Comments from RVTD
"A lot of work went into integrating our automated fare payment and cash fare collection systems, and we are so grateful to both LECIP and Delerrok for coordinating their efforts with very little need for our RVTD team to get involved. Our passengers have embraced the new fare systems and we know that it is easier to ride our buses than ever before."
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