レシップホールディングス株式会社およびレシップグループ各社(以下、「レシップグループ」といいます。)では、バス・鉄道用電装機器等の製造および販売・サービス、各種産業用機器および自動車部品等の製造および販売・サービスを展開するに当たって、お客様のプライバシーを尊重し、お客様の個人情報を大切に保護することを重要な責務と考えております。当ウェブサイト www.lecip.co.jp では、 個人情報保護に関する法令を遵守するとともに、個人情報の取り扱いに関して次のような姿勢で行動しています。
レシップホールディングス株式会社 総務部
〒501-0401 岐阜県本巣市上保1260番地の2
制定日 2010年10月01日
改訂日 2022年9月14日
代表取締役社長 杉本 眞
レシップホールディングス株式会社 管理本部長 〒501-0401 岐阜県本巣市上保1260番地の2 TEL:058-324-3121 |
レシップ株式会社 常務取締役 〒501-0401 岐阜県本巣市上保1260番地の2 TEL:058-324-3121 |
取引先担当者様の個人情報 |
就職希望者様の個人情報 |
当社ホームページ上で提供して頂いた個人情報 |
個人情報の開示等請求の際に提供して頂いた個人情報 | お問い合わせに対する回答を行うため |
当社製品およびサービスを利用されるお客様の個人情報 |
なお、プライバシーポリシーの対象となる個人データは、EU一般データ保護規則(the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR))の対象となる個人データに限られます。
そのような場合においても、当社グループは、個人データの適切なレベルの保護を確実にするための措置(SCC(Standard Contractual Clauses)の締結等)を講じます。
プライバシーポリシーの最終更新 2024年9月13日
レシップホールディングス株式会社 総務部
The LECIP Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Group") attaches importance to the privacy of its customers and endeavors to protect personal information in accordance with the applicable personal information protection legislation. This GDPR Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as this "Privacy Policy") describes the collection and use of personal data in the Company Group. The use of this website, Company Group’s apps, and other services are covered by this Privacy Policy.
Moreover, personal data covered by this Privacy Policy are limited to those covered by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The Company Group may occasionally collect the following personal data:
The Company Group may collect personal data in various ways, including:
The Company Group will use personal data for the following purposes:
Please note that the Company Group does not base any decision solely on automated processing including profiling that significantly affects you or has legal effects for you.
You are generally not required to provide your personal data to us unless there is an obligation for such provision by local regulations or where we have to collect personal data for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject. However, if you do not provide your personal data, we might not be able to carry out certain processes. Note, however, that when you use our website, we do not identify you individually, but we may collect and process information you provide to us when you use some of our services which could directly or indirectly identify you individually.
The Company Group will collect and use personal data on the following legal bases:
The Company Group may occasionally share personal data among the Company Group as well as with the following business partners and third parties.
To the extent permitted by law, the Company Group may occasionally disclose personal data to third parties (including legal advisers) in order to support the functions of proof, lawsuits or defense to legal claims, exercise of rights, protection of the Company Group's property or other persons' rights, property or safety, external audits, compliance or corporate governance, as necessary.
The Company Group may occasionally transfer personal data to business entities (recipients) that exist in countries outside the EEA, in which personal data are not appropriately protected.
In such a case, the Company Group will take steps to ensure that personal data will be protected at an appropriate level (e.g. execution of an agreement containing Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)).
The Company Group will take technical, physical and organizational measures designed to protect personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss or alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access or other illegal use.
Persons who may access personal data will be limited to those who are permitted to do so, on the basis of the principle of necessary minimum. In addition, the Company Group will take approaches to data security in view of the risks involved in using personal data. The Company Group will continue to apply those approaches to protect personal data while it takes industry standards into account.
The Company Group will assume no responsibility for the safety of personal data to be sent to other companies' websites linked with this website. When you use such websites, you should verify the privacy policies, the terms of use and the like of the websites.
To the extent of applicable laws, you may exercise the following rights in connection with personal data:
If you wish to exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please contact the inquiry desk shown at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or protection or processing of personal data, please contact the inquiry desk shown at the bottom of the page.
When we receive an inquiry about this Privacy Policy or protection or processing of personal data, we will use personal data only for the purpose of responding to that inquiry.
When you access this website and use the Company Group's websites, you will be considered to have understood and consented to the collection, processing, international transfer and use of personal data as mentioned in this Privacy Policy.
You should verify this Privacy Policy periodically as it is subject to modification without notice.
To the extent required by law, the Company Group will seek your express consent.
In addition, you may withdraw any prior consent given by you to a specific purpose of use by voicing an objection to the use of personal data.
If you wish to voice an objection or to withdraw your consent, please contact the inquiry desk shown at the bottom of the page.
The Company Group will not retain personal data beyond the purpose of obtaining them or the requirements under applicable laws and regulations. Specific retention periods are decided based on the following considerations : the purpose for obtaining and processing the personal data; the nature of the personal data; and the necessity of retaining the personal data for legal or business reasons.
Cookies mean a function to refer to the contents of small file data sent from a Web server to a customer’s browser and hard disk. Using cookies can make your use of websites more useful by storing data about your use of specific websites. Using cookies is an industry standard, and cookies are used in many websites for the purpose of providing useful functions to customers. In addition, cookies are not a function to identify the individual identity of a customer.
The Company Group may occasionally use a cookie in the following cases:
The Company Group consider anyone under the age of 16, or such younger age as may be specified by applicable data protection laws to be a child. We do not knowingly collect or try to collect personal data from or about children without the consent of a parent or guardian. Where we do collect personal data from children, we will always use reasonable efforts to verify that consent has been given or authorized by the child's parent or guardian.
If we become aware that personal data submitted to us relates to a child without the consent of a parent or guardian, we will use reasonable efforts to: delete that personal data as soon as possible; or if deletion is not possible, we will ensure that this personal data is not used for any purpose, nor disclosed to any third party.
If you are a parent or guardian and you have queries regarding our processing of your child's personal data, please contact us using the details provided below.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on September 13, 2024.
The Company Group may modify or update this Privacy Policy without restricting individuals' rights as mentioned in this Privacy Policy. When the Company Group modifies this Privacy Policy, it will state the update date in Section 12.
If you have any questions or complaints, or if you wish to exercise any of the rights described in Articles 6 and 8 of this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the contact information below.
Address : 1260-2 Kaminoho, Motosu, Gifu 501-0401, Japan
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